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Networked Learning Conference 2024

The fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2024) will take place in Malta from 15-17 May 2024

Networked Learning Conference 2024

The fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2024) will take place in Malta from 15-17 May 2024

Planning your trip to Malta for NLC2024?

Find useful practical information to help you plan your upcoming trip to Malta this spring.

News from the Networked Learning Consortium

NLC2024 conference themes

  • Digital futures and environmental renaissance (e.g., sustainability, the need for degrowth in digitalization, well-being issues and perspectives in networked learning, rewilding networked learning ecologies, networked learning, environment and climate change)
  • Artificial intelligence, learning analytics and emergent digital technologies (e.g., the role of AI, learning analytics, immersive technologies, generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), mixed realities, mobile technologies for networked learning)
  • Ethical and responsible innovation and research (e.g., privacy, surveillance, inclusion, criticality, equity and social justice, relational pedagogies, eco pedagogies)
  • Spaces, places and modalities for networked learning (e.g., online, blended, hybrid, boundless), design, implementation and evaluation of networked learning
  • Networked learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts of learning and development across the lifespan (e.g., early childhood, school, higher education, professional development, community learning, large-scale and small-scale open courses)
  • Theory and theorisation advancing the field of networked learning
  • Philosophies, theories, methodologies, and research designs for networked learning (e.g., postdigitality, posthumanism, phenomenography, phenomenology, social network analysis, socio-material approaches)

NLC2024 conference formats

Participants can expect a variety of presentations from both researchers and practitioners such as full paper presentations, short paper presentations on research in progress (pecha kucha presentations), symposia (featuring 3–4 full papers centred around a chosen theme), and more participant-oriented formats. These include workshops aimed at actively involving participants in discussions related to concepts, methods, models, or technologies, as well as round table discussions on topics introduced and framed by the organiser.

Presentation time frames:

  • Full papers: 15 min presentation and 5 min dialogue
  • Short papers: 6 min 40 s presentation and 3 min 20 s dialogue (pecha kucha)
  • Round table, symposium, workshop: 90 min for each session

Networked Learning Conference Organisation