Networked Learning Conference 2022

Networked Learning Conference 2022

NLC2022 - Mid-Sweden University
The Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2022) was held in Sundsvall at Mid-Sweden University, Sweden on 16-18 May 2022. The conference was a hybrid conference - this means that participants were both onsite in Sweden or online from their homes or offices.
The NLC2022 conference themes were:
- Philosophies, theories, methodologies and designs for Networked Learning
- Methods, research design, data and analysis in Networked Learning (e.g., phenomenography, social network analysis, socio-material approaches)
- Conceptualisations of networked lifelong learning as a blended, boundless or hybrid phenomenon
- Learning on the move: places and spaces for networked learning
- Networked learning across the lifespan (early childhood, school, work and retirement)
- The role of sustainability in Networked Learning
- Ethical perspectives on Networked Learning (e.g., equity, inclusivity, social justice, values)
- Roles of artificial intelligence, big data and learning analytics in Networked Learning
- Situating Networked Learning conceptually, historically or systematically
- Debates and emerging issues in Networked Learning (e.g., the future of lifelong learning, hybridity, post-digital education, sustainability)